Tuesday, August 20, 2013

From pool house to pool side.

I'm not exactly sure why I was in my pjs until 11 am this morning. At least it was considered morning and not afternoon...Right?

I was doing things that mattered, I suppose. I was busy accomplishing stuff (my college english teacher told me to never use the word "stuff" in writing, but I think since I am not writing a research paper and these words are coming from my head, which may or may not be construed as natural slang/talk..It might be okay. Sorry Ms. Turner if you're reading this. These words are just coming straight from my head and onto this blog, and it's crazy in here!)

The "stuff" I mentioned included moving my some odd 100 bottles of perfume from one shelf to another shelf. Unpacking fingernail polish that hadn't seen the light of day since possibly my middle school days,  and taking care of odd and ends via phone. Important right? 

Well... to me it is. You see, I recently moved out of the pool house I was renting from my family to move into the main house. Some of you might see this as a downgrade, but for me this was an upgrade! It's true that I don' have my own little house any more, but I do still have my own space and a room that would probably be similar to any dorm room I would live in while going to school. I gave up my deluxe apartment for a smaller space, less rent, and the reality that while I'm in the RN program I won't have much of a life. So all these little unimportant things are just a way for me to feel more organized and at home in my own space. 

I am thankful to my family for helping me out. I am realizing now that without their help, going to school would be impossible for me. 

So, as I was helping my sister in law hang up art around the house, I was reminded of the fact that I still had my pjs on by a knock at the door.

Yes, it's 11 am.
Yes, I still have my pjs on.
No, I don't have a good excuse for it.

And now, I'm about to go enjoy a swim and a tan. Something that will soon be coming to an end with school, work, and the summer ending.

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