Friday, August 30, 2013

It's all coming together

Well, school is starting soon.
I have never been on such a roller coaster of emotions as I have the last three months.
1. Getting accepted into the nursing program (Pure elation)
2. Wondering how I am going to pay for every thing that they require this summer. (fear)
3. And slowly coming to the realization that God will provide, and in miraculous ways. (hope and happiness)

Trust isn't an easy thing, and admittedly it's harder for me to trust when I don't know what the path is going to look like.

I just know that it's necessary for my heart to do it, and that I live happier when I do it.

What I know is that I have never prayed harder for something, worked harder for something, and been giving an opportunity to do something like this.
I am so thankful.

This is my beautiful writing view today: 

Picture via the  hipstamatic app on my iPhone.

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