Thursday, August 22, 2013

Today's dilemmas and other stories.

Do any of you stress? I know it's a silly question, but do you? Even though I know better I still do it.

If you think about it, it absolutely does you no good to stress over something. 
In fact, stress is linked to a dozen other medical maladies that just make you stress more because you can't stop thinking about this disorder, or that disorder that is caused by all your stressing! This is just a vicious cycle, and unless you realize that your stress is the problem, then you're in a trap.
I know the human heart seems conditioned to worry, but really what does worrying change?
You have a choice to worry. 

I am learning something important these summer months. I want to say that I make good choices all the time, but I don't. This summer has been a summer for me to really learn to trust God in my stress. I know that I can do absolutely nothing to change my circumstances, and honestly, that just lets me see how crazy, big God is. 

I have a week until I have to have somethings turned in for the RN program. Right now I have a job, but it doesn't start until after the deadline to turn these things in. All of these things require money to complete, with no income, I am really having to trust God. I know that He wouldn't allow me  to get accepted into the RN program to have to turn around and walk away from it, and this is where I know a miracle has to happen. When you live a life of faith, and this is something that I've really had to learn this summer, then you are giving God all of the room to work. 

**disclaimer** the stress I am referring to is related to worry or light stress. This is not referring to more serious medical conditions including anxiety or depression. My ideas and opinions are subject to my own experiences.

1 comment:

  1. And so.... Lord since you are the only one who can truly provide for us when we have no resource to turn to we ask: will you please provide all of Ambers needs this week. Thank you Lord, You alone recieve our praise and honor. Amen
    Love you sis
