Saturday, September 7, 2013

I've got a story to tell you!

Today started out like any other ordinary day.
I woke up, got ready for the day, and got into the routine of things.

I wondered what to write about, and thought, OH! I will share about an amazing lush body product that I absolutely love because gosh darn, the world should know about this.  So I snapped a few photos of it and went on about my business.

As the day went on, I knew anxiety was creeping in about school. I see the calendar and I nervously say to myself,

Well, schools starting. Yep. And I have all these books to buy, and absolutely no money left to buy them. Especially the two I need this week. Where is this money coming from….God?

YES, YES, I know. I should just realize already that I am meant to be a nurse because the world keeps putting these HUGE obstacles in my way (like money), and God is like…Money? No problem. Done and Done.

There’s more to this story. We’re just getting started.
I visited with my dad about how I was feeling fearful about the impending year.  I wasn’t sure how I was going to cover the some odd $1500 dollars of schoolbooks I had to purchase in just a matter of two weeks. My dad is the nicest guy in the world, who would give anything to anyone so of course he wanted to help. Times are tough for everyone in my family, so we prayed. I left feeling encouraged, but I was still a little fearful.

Here’s the story I wanted to tell you.
You see, earlier today. I cried, and then I cried even more because while I was having a complete melt down in front of my sister about how I needed God to work a miracle to pay for just two of the school books I absolutely need this week to study for an 18 chapter test I have the first week of school, my nephew says,
“Aunt Amber, I have 39 dollars.”
If I wasn’t a mess before, I was then! My heart melted, and I told him I couldn’t take his money of course.

We prayed.
Sometimes it’s so difficult to trust God. It’s hard to trust someone you can’t see on a daily basis, you can’t hug, or have audible back and forward conversations with. Knowing God is walking with me is probably admittedly one of the harder things I face in my faith.
It’s times like this that I pray God will show me how to have more faith, how to have more trust, and how to feel peace while I’m waiting for this faith to kick into high gear.

Then God answers prayers.
He sends someone to do His work.
Today someone, other than my family, and I have no idea who, left an unmarked envelope with the exact amount of money I needed for the two books I have to have this week.

This is a God that lives outside the box religions put Him in. This is a God you can come to for every worry, every pain, and every trial. This is a God who has love for the people He created. This is the God I serve. He still works miracles today, incase you didn’t know.
And this is where my faith has grown. I’ve come to realize the hard times just grow my faith immeasurably. I learn that I can approach God like I would my own dad, and He cares.
God is never late. He is always on time.
He knows.

I am excited to know how He is going to work out the rest of the details for my school finances. I still have a long ways to go with how much I need in a short time, but I know God is faithful, and this gives me more peace and comfort than anything else can.

How lame that lush body product seems now in comparison to the kind of day I've had..

Stay tuned!


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