Friday, September 13, 2013

It's starting...

The business of the nursing program has kicked into full gear as you can tell by my lack luster posts the last two nights adding up to a big, old ZERO!

Things are really busy around here too. It's hard to want to study with the laughter leaking through the walls. It sucks me in. I want nothing more than to throw all my books down and just be irresponsible, stick it to the man....But the man I'd be sticking it to is myself *long dramatic sigh*, and I don't want to sabotage myself. It's tempting.

Then there's the part of me that hears my mother's voice, her words tucked safely in my bones: School is important, study hard. (She almost always tells me this between conversations on the phone, thanks mom. No, really, Thank you.) I didn't listen to her studying advice until college, and I've come to know through the years that you don't want to live out a path of not following sage advice. Yes, we mostly have to learn on our own. But if we can save ourselves the trouble of not learning on our own, the big things at least, then it would be better for
So I avoid leaving the confines of my room that has become where I work, sleep, think, dream, hope, imagine what two years down the road will look like, and study, study hard.

I haven't bought all the books I need yet, only the two so far. I am feeling a little nervous about that, but am really trying to trust God for all those pretty pennies I need to collect to buy those books.

Does anyone else have a problem finding iphone chargers that actually charge your phone well?
I am having a terrible time with finding ones that don't short out, including the ones from apple.

If anyone has some good advice about where to get a longer lasting iphone cord, please share!


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