Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Day In the Life!

The idea behind a day in the life is posting your day in pictures. Some people choose to snap a photo every hour. Some take more, and some take less. It's all up to you! I chose to snap a picture whenever I thought about it. Some people do their day in the life when they're doing something fun and exciting, like going to disney land or going on a road trip.

This is my day in the life

Getting my wake up on! Shower and brushin’ my teeth.
Ready, set, make-up, selfie afterwards, and a time stamp of my day thus far.
Daily essentials: Water + Homemade Chai tea curtsey my sister-in-law.
Off to grocery shop! We have a YOLO moment and stop to enjoy the view over the lookout. I snap a picture of my nieces toesies because I want to remember her with us, and because she’s in the process of being adopted we can’t photograph her just yet!

Winco is our last stop! Eating a quick lunch that my sister-in-law packed for us.

Ella is happy to see me!  I try to take a nap, but it doesn’t last. 
My sister-in-law is as cute as a button, isn’t she? Drinking her protein frappe. It’s delish, be jealous.
While my sister is picking up the kids from school, I go check on the puppies. Hello, and goodbye sweet pups.
Then, I load the dishwasher, and start it up, and survey the fresh fruits and veggies people have been gifting us. We appreciate it soooooooooo much!
A before and after of my room that I straightened up, but sadly in the process my scentsy warmer fell off the shelf and broke. SAD! Those things are expensive man.
On the way home, my thrifty sister found a new table for our kitchen.
Prepping for our Gluten free, home made pizza crust. We had a make your own pizza, kind of pizza + salad! It was SOO good!
My dad calls to tell me about an epic spider, and spider web he discovered. Since I live a few blocks away, I went to get some photos of it
These cute people stopped by .
As the night comes to an end, it required coffee + music. YES!
Ella is clearly ready for bed..
But I’m not! I check facebook, and start getting my A Day In the Life post ready..
Finally ready for bed! Good night :]

I'm having a day in the life contest. You can Facebook or email me your photos, and I will post the winner's photos on my blog with credit.  My contact information is in the contact me section of my home page on my website.  Get creative! :]

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