Monday, September 23, 2013

The first day of the rest of your life

Tonight I'm playing a game, and it's called hurry up and write something before my laptop dies.
Yes, It's on the verge. It's been a very long day. A good one, but very long.

I guess I feel like I have to write something because it's been a bit since I have, and I feel like I have so much to expel upon these pages.

Today was a very important day for me. It was the first day of the RN program. Most of you know this, but for those of you who don't...Well it was!

I feel like my brain is scrambled in a big pot of alphabet soup. My notes seem just as scattered. My papers are littered with asterisks on which notes I NEED to remember, and I don't even know how to start to organize it all. HELP!

It's a mess.
Speaking of mess, I have to apologize at this point to the poor boys who were in the mens bathroom when I burst in. That was humiliating. First day of school, and I just stroll into the mens bathroom like I own the place. Yes....Not the proudest moment of my life. I'm realizing that somedays in nursing school, especially the first day, you might just need a coffee as big as your head to think straight.

I am grateful to see the familiar faces in class.
I am grateful that it's a small class.
I'm grateful that flexibility is a requirement of this program. Everything changes, at times within an hour, and I don't know why this fills me with comfort, but it does.

I had an amazing weekend that prepared my heart for this journey. I spent the weekend in McCall at a women's retreat. It was a refreshing, empowering, and I feel like I made so many connections with others.

I feel as if God spoke right to my heart on something I really needed to hear. Yes God, I heard you, loud and clear.

I love my church family ladies. I feel like I came home from that place knowing I had another set of sisters.
If you ladies are reading this, I love you! :]

Who doesn't like spending time in the mountains, beautiful mountains that fill you to the brim just viewing them, let alone experiencing confirmation of words you really need to hear.
It really made my cup runneth over.

My life is really about to change, and I feel like there couldn't have been a better start to this life change.


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