Sunday, September 1, 2013


Tonight I was lying down after feeling nauseated. I was about to text my mom and ask her what it was she gave me to drink as a child to settle my stomach. I had these thoughts running through my fingertips via text message to my mother about how I was pretty sure it was coke syrup the medication, and also how it's also an ingredient in coke, and yada, yada, yada, when I was about to press send... 
And then I realized it was nearly MIDNIGHT..
Erasing my message, I came to the realization that no matter where you are in life, you still need your parents. 

They carry the necessities of life  in their bones, and you only hope that you keep and remember those good traits. You tightly tuck them in the crevices of your heart wherever you go, and pull them out like love notes for the times you need to read them. They've left their mark on your heart, and it's times like this that you know their likeness must have been created by something great. 

Sometimes you call, when you're hundreds of miles away, or maybe even a few blocks, just to hear the words "I love you."
You show up on doorsteps and delight in their presence. 

Being a single girl without a family of my own, I noticed more just how much I need my parents at times. I don't have a confidant, like a husband.  It's my mom or my dad, or my siblings that give me advice, pray for me, encourage me. 

This isn't a bad thing. God designed our hearts to be protected and kept safe by our families until we leave our family to start one of our own.

I know I am in my late 20's, but I still need my parents. I know some might think that I am old enough to be less attached to them, but until I have a family of my own, they are the only home I know, and I am thankful to have them.

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