Monday, August 19, 2013

Templates, Layouts, and Profiles--Oh my!

I've been entertaining the idea of creating a blog for sometime now. I love writing, and I never shut up about a lot of things, so you can imagine that I would have a plethora of topics to write about.  I've read  headline after headline about how simple it is to create a blog. 
Supposedly it only takes five minutes and bada-bing-bada-boom! You have yourself a blog. Followers, now that's another topic completely

Much to my dismay, this hasn't been the case for me. Insert long dramatic sigh here.
I remember back in the day when blogspot actually owned blogspot. You logged on, entered some information, and there you have it. 
Now google+, and I love google very much don't get me wrong, has made it very complicated to even enter an about me section. 

I've poured hours over tutorials to try and figure this out. I go to "edit profile" in the layouts section, and there is no text box other than the "title" 

If it's simpler than I've made it then I am going to kick myself, apologize to google, and then sadly face the reality that I am getting old and technology isn't a piece of cake anymore.


  1. People are notoriously known for not taking the time to comment on another individual's blog. But I want to say, "Hi." If you need to talk to an expert on WordPress and blogging in general, you can contact me on Facebook, as we are already FB friends there. Good start. I like the combination of the choice of background, blue and white type on charcoal gray and the simple blog template. Blogger is where I started out almost ten years ago, now. My own blog is at You can also visit and leave a comment for me. You never, Amber Marie, leaving comments on each other's blogs could be a nice habit and rewarding routine to establish. --Tim Walls

  2. Thank you for the comment! I will check out your blog. I am glad that you liked the layout I chose. I wanted to have another look completely, but decided it was too complicated to proceed. I wasn't able to figure out the unzip this, paste here, etc. I have a macbook pro which might seem encourage more hoop jumping than most computers :]
